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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published.
  • The submission file is in (.doc, .docx, dan .rtf) document file format.
  • The Submission is typed in MS Word, with font Times New Roman 11, with 1 (one) space, A4. Margins for top 3 cm, left 2 cm, right 2 cm, and bottom 2 cm.
  • The format of the article in accordance with the provisions.

Author Guidelines

  1. Jurnal Kefarmasian Akfarindo receives research papers that are strictly related to Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmacokinetics, Community and Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology, Alternative medicines. Jurnal Kefarmasian Akfarindo is not accepted litelature reviews.
  2. Manuscripts to be published can be sent to the web journal http://jofar.afi.ac.id by registering or sent by email jofar@afi.ac.id
  3. The truth and content of each article are the responsibility of the article writer.
  4. The manuscript is written in Indonesian, or English, with the following systematic:
    • Title (Indonesian and English),
    • Author's name, institution, and author's email (correspondence),
    • Abstract (Indonesian and English),
    • Keywords (Keywords) 3-5 words,
    • Introduction (contains: background, literature review, research objectives),
    • Research Methods (materials, tools, and research paths),
    • Results and Discussion,
    • Conclusion,
    • Acknowledgement and
  5. How to write:
    The abstract is written for a maximum of 250 words, the total number of texts is approximately 10 pages. The manuscript is typed in MS Word, with Times New Roman 11 font, with 1 (one) space, A4. Margins for above 3 cm, left 2 cm, right 2 cm, and bottom 2 cm. Writing format:
    • Indonesian title: Times New Roman 12 font, center position, bold print,
    • Latin italics,
    • English title: Times New Roman 12 font, center position, bold print,
    • The name of the author of Times New Roman 10 font, center position, bold print, behind the name is given the institution's origin number (upperscript), on the coresponding author name given asterisk (*).
    • Origin of institution: after the name is given enter 1 space, font Times New Roman 10, center position, print normally. Correspondent email author under the institution, font Times New Roman 10, italicized.
    • The author must include all parties involved in the research or writing, including the name complete (without a degree).
    • The table must be intact, clearly legible, the table headings at the top are in Roman numerical order (Table I).
    • Images including graphs are given a caption description at the bottom with Arabic serial numbers (Figure 1).
    • Bibliography is arranged alphabetically by following the rules of writing Harvard literature, with examples as follows: book: all the names (last names) of the author are presented in full followed by the year, the title of the paper (written Italic), volume edition to, publisher name, city, and start and end page. If from a magazine: all names (last names) author, year, title of the article, abbreviation for the name of the magazine (written italic), volume, number (written bold), page the beginning and the end. Example:

                      Gandjar, I.G., dan Rohman, A.2007. Kimia Farmasi Analisis. PustakaPelajar: Yogyakarta

                      Doughari, J.H. 2006. Antimicrobial activity of Tamarindus indica Linn. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 5(2): 597-603

  1. Received text will be corrected, noted and sent back to the author for correction, then the author sends the manuscript back to be ready for publication.


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